A few days ago, a video started circulating on social media, featuring a tricolour flag with a crescent moon on each strip, resembling the Indian national flag. The claim was that this video captured the Independence Day 2023 celebrations in Bilaspur village, Alwar, Rajasthan. However, this viral video actually originates Flag from Chhattisgarh, Bilaspur, and not from Rajasthan. The misleading post was done by habitual perpetrators of fake news such as @trunicle, @ajaychauhan41, and many more right-wing accounts.
Our fact-checking journey began with a video shared on social media, supposedly depicting a scene from this year’s Independence Day celebrations. A quick Reverse Image Search led us to a report by Chhattisgarh-based news outlet Lokswar [archive], dated October 6, 2022. This report displayed visuals strikingly similar to the viral video. Intriguingly, the video is associated with Chorbhatthi-Kala village, situated on the Bilaspur-Ganiyari-Kota Road in the Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh. The report showcased a clearer version of the video, spotlighting a building with the signage “Yousuf Mobile Shop and Electronics.” Closely observing a few bikes moving across. The bike number plate can be read as CG-10, which was confirmed again by visiting Chhatisgarh’s RTO website [archive]. Further investigation led us to locate the exact building on Google Maps, with street view visuals confirming its existence in Chorbhatthi-Kala village, Chhattisgarh.
Additionally, similar flags were spotted in videos from an annual celebration known as Eid-ul-Milad-ul Nabi. This festivity commemorates the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad and took place in October 2022. The local news portal Lokswar featured the same image during this period.
The intention behind the viral video’s circulation appears to be the creation of a misleading narrative. While the video indeed originated from Chhattisgarh and captured events from last year, it was falsely attributed to the Muslim community. Moreover, the video was shared to give it a communal spin. Following comprehensive analysis and meticulous fact-checking, our team has investigated the claim. You can refer to the findings of this inquiry in the Twitter thread embedded below.
Claim: An old video from Chhattisgarh’s Bilaspur is being circulated as an incident from Alwar, Rajasthan with a misleading narrative.
Fact: The video is indeed from Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, and was taken during a different event, not from Rajasthan.
In our pursuit of accurate and unbiased information, we’ve diligently fact-checked the claims surrounding the incident. Misinformation can sow discord and disrupt communal harmony. Your support matters greatly in our mission to foster an informed and united society. Together, let’s strive to make India and Indians proud, upholding truth and unity. Jai Hind.