On July 30, 2024, a devastating landslide struck Wayanad, Kerala, destroying over 200 buildings, especially in Mundakkai and Chooralmala. Triggered by heavy rainfall, the landslide spread across miles of terrain, displacing thousands. Emergency teams, and security forces, including local authorities and NGOs, launched swift rescue operations, providing critical aid to affected communities.
Now, claims have circulated that the Centre demanded ₹132.62 crore from the Kerala government for the Wayanad landslide rescue operations. However, these claims are misleading. The amount in question was actually a bill issued by the Indian Air Force (IAF) for airlifting and rescue missions, which also includes services rendered during the 2018 floods. This is a routine practice, as the IAF regularly charges state governments for disaster relief operations.
Sharing a screenshot on X (Formerly Twitter) @minicnair wrote, Asking money for rescue operations during Wayanad landslide disaster. They literally hate Kerala!
Asking money for rescue operations during Wayanad landslide disaster
— Mini Nair (@minicnair) December 14, 2024
They literally hate Kerala! pic.twitter.com/SkbYjJGcLk
Several other users, influencers, propagandists and political workers have also disseminated the claims. Their posts can be seen here, @B7801011010, @sidd_sharma01, @Vidyaraj51, @Jasonphilip8.
The truth behind the claims on Kerala govt, Fact Check
As soon as the posts containing the claims came to our notice. Subsequently, we conducted research and analysis regarding the claims and found that these claims were not true.
To verify the claims made by the users. We performed relevant keyword searches and found reports regarding the claims. According to a report, the Indian Air Force (IAF) issued a bill of ₹132.62 crore to the Kerala government for airlifting and rescue operations conducted during the Wayanad landslide, including charges related to the 2018 floods. This is part of a routine practice, as the IAF regularly bills state governments for disaster relief activities.
The Kerala government had previously paid over ₹100 crore for similar operations during the 2018 floods. It is important to note that the Armed Forces assist state governments under the ‘Instructions on Aid to Civil Authority by the Armed Forces – 1970’.
Additionally, as per the Government Accounting Rule, 1990, detailed in Appendix 5 by the Controller General of Accounts, state governments are required to bear the costs of various services provided by the Armed Forces during natural and other calamities, such as floods, earthquakes, fires, and famines.
Therefore, it is evident from verified sources that the bill was issued by the IAF, not central govt.
— D-Intent Data (@dintentdata) December 14, 2024
ANALYSIS: Misleading
FACT:Claims are being circulated that the Centre has asked the Kerala government to pay ₹132.61 crore for rescue operations during the Wayanad landslide disaster.These claims are misleading. Reports indicate that the Indian Air Force (IAF) issued(1/4) pic.twitter.com/Ku7DAKs5uu
Influencers, propagandists and political workers are circulating misleading claims about the bill issued by the IAF to the Kerala government for airlifting and rescue operations conducted during the Wayanad landslide.
Claim– The Centre demanded ₹132.62 crore from the Kerala government for the Wayanad landslide rescue operations.
Fact – The IAF issued a bill of ₹132.62 crore to the Kerala government for airlifting and rescue operations conducted during the Wayanad landslide, including charges related to the 2018 floods.
Related Article: Fact Check: Congress worker shot a cow in the head to celebrate Priyanka Gandhi’s victory in Kerala? – D-Intent Data