A few days ago, a video of a huge blast went viral on social media platforms, with many users claiming that it was from the recent Israel-Palestine conflict. The video showed a massive fireball rising from a port area, followed by a shockwave that shattered nearby windows and buildings. The video was shared by a Twitter user, @RamuKakaHiHu, who later deleted the tweet after being called out for spreading misinformation. The intent behind circulating this old video from Lebanon was to create panic regarding the recent conflict between Israel and Palestine.
The Truth About The Video
However, this video is not from the current situation in Israel or Palestine. It is actually an old video from Lebanon, where a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored at the Port of Beirut exploded in August 2020, killing hundreds of people and injuring thousands more. The video has nothing to do with Israel or its actions.
There are several clues that indicate that the video is not from the Israel-Palestine conflict. First of all, the video itself has a watermark that says “Lebanon Explosion”. This clearly shows that the video was taken from the Beirut blast that happened last year.
Secondly, the location and the surroundings of the video do not match with any of the places where the recent clashes between Israel and Palestine have occurred. The video shows a port area with cranes, ships, and warehouses, which are not present in Gaza or Jerusalem, where most of the violence has taken place.
Thirdly, the scale and the impact of the explosion in the video are much larger than any of the airstrikes or rocket attacks that have been reported in the Israel-Palestine conflict. The Beirut blast was one of the biggest non-nuclear explosions in history, with an estimated yield of 1.1 kilotons of TNT. It caused widespread damage to the city and could be felt as far as Cyprus, about 240 km away. The explosions in the Israel-Palestine conflict have been much smaller and localized, with no reports of such massive shockwaves or fireballs.
The video is misleading because it creates a false impression that Israel is responsible for a horrific incident that killed and injured many innocent people. It also exploits the emotions and sentiments of the people who are concerned about the humanitarian crisis in Palestine. It spreads misinformation and propaganda that can fuel hatred and violence against Israel and its supporters.
The video of a massive explosion that is being shared as evidence of Israel’s atrocities in Palestine is actually an old video from Lebanon’s Beirut blast in 2020. It has nothing to do with the current situation or conflict in Israel or Palestine. It is a false and misleading claim that should not be believed or shared. Following a precise analysis and fact-checking, our team has reviewed the claim. You can refer to the findings of this inquiry in the Twitter thread below. Moreover, you can read more about the incident in an article by www.brecorder.com.
Claim: A video of a huge explosion is from the recent Israel-Palestine conflict.
Fact: The video is from Lebanon’s Beirut blast in 2020.
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