A video that has been digitally altered has gone viral, with Gujarat MLA Alpesh Thakor urging the crowd to raise slogans supporting Congressman Rahul Gandhi. However, the public began to raise slogans in support of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
@pankajk61414973 tweeted “*You people might not have seen such insult of Congress in a crowded meeting till date. In Ahmednagar, Gujarat, Congress leader Alpesh Thakur asked the public to say Rahul Gandhi Zindabad, then see what the public said. *All the people heard slogans of Modi Zindabad. Pappu the idiot also held his head” on March 19, 2024.
*भरी सभा में कांग्रेस की ऐसी बेज्जती आप लोगों ने आज तक नहीं देखी होगी गुजरात के अहमदनगर में कांग्रेसी नेता अल्पेश ठाकुर ने राहुल गाँधी जिन्दाबाद कहने को जनता से बोला, तो देखिए जनता क्या बोली* सारी की सारी जनता द्वारा मोदी जिंदाबाद के नारे सुन पप्पू बेवकूफ ने भी अपना सर पकड़ लिया pic.twitter.com/qKuZfNqdF2
— pankaj kaushik (@pankajk61414973) March 19, 2024
Several other accounts, including @ManojSr60583090, @mini_razdan10, @AnupRai71696048 made the same claim that Alpesh Thakor asked public to say ong live Rahul Gandhi, but the public in the video instead says Modi Zindabad supporting the Modi government. The archive can be read from above.
What is the Actual Truth About this Incident? : Fact
The widely shared video is, in fact, a digitally modified fake video that has nothing to do with reality. We were able to locate the original footage, which depicts the enthusiastic response and support of the congress leader by the crowd. The video is from the “Navsarjan Janadesh Mahasammelan,” which took place in October 2017 in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. In April 2019, Alpesh Thakor quit the Congress and in July 2019, he joined the BJP.
@ANI tweeted “Gujarat: MLA Alpesh Thakor of Thakor Kshatriya Sena resigns from Congress party. (File pic)” on April 10, 2019.
Gujarat: MLA Alpesh Thakor of Thakor Kshatriya Sena resigns from Congress party. (File pic) pic.twitter.com/QbayoH1B0z
— ANI (@ANI) April 10, 2019
On July 18, 2019, @ANI tweeted “Ahmedabad: Alpesh Thakor & Dhaval Singh Zala join Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in presence of Gujarat BJP President, Jitu Vaghani.” and shared the images of the same.
Ahmedabad: Alpesh Thakor & Dhaval Singh Zala join Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in presence of Gujarat BJP President, Jitu Vaghani. pic.twitter.com/qgcHc6RvwT
— ANI (@ANI) July 18, 2019
Check out the Youtube Video:
D-Intent’s Fact-Checking Results:
— D-Intent Data (@dintentdata) March 21, 2024
FACT: A digitally altered video has been shared, showing Gujarat MLA Alpesh Thakor asking the audience to raise slogans supporting Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi. But, the public started raising slogans in support of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. (1/3) pic.twitter.com/uqDipHz1Hm
Influencers are circulating digitally altered old videos to set their political narrative to influence the general elections 2024. A digitally altered video has been shared, showing Gujarat MLA Alpesh Thakor asking the audience to raise slogans supporting Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi. But, the public started raising slogans in support of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The viral video is fake and has been digitally changed; it has nothing to do with reality. We discovered the original video, which shows the audience reacting positively and supporting the congress leader. The video is from the “Navsarjan Janadesh Mahasammelan,” which was held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, in October 2017. Alpesh Thakor left Congress in April 2019 and joined the BJP in July 2019.
Claim : A digitally manipulated video has been published, in which Gujarat MLA Alpesh Thakor asks the audience to say slogans in support of Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi. However, people began raising slogans in support of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Fact : The fact is that the viral video is fake and has been digitally altered, it has nothing to do with reality. We found the original video, which shows the crowd responding positively and supporting the congress leader. The video is from “Navsarjan Janadesh Mahasammelan,”which was organized in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, in October 2017. Alpesh Thakor left Congress in April 2019 & joined BJP in July 2019.