Misleading narratives have emerged surrounding the murders of two individuals, Sanjiv Kumar Mishra in Amethi and Suraj Shukla in Sultanpur. Certain propagandists are attempting to frame these tragic incidents as caste-based hate crimes specifically targeting Brahmin individuals. However, a closer examination reveals that both cases are unrelated to caste-based hate crimes.
Sharing the video of policemen carrying the dead body, @ASwatntra wrote. “The series of murders of Brahmins continues in Uttar Pradesh. A young Brahmin Sanjeev Kumar Mishra was murdered in Amethi. What is the reason behind the murders of such a large number of Brahmins every day?”
— Anuj Agnihotri Swatntra (@ASwatntra) December 10, 2024
उत्तर प्रदेश में ब्राह्मणों की हत्याओं का शिलशिला जारी।
एक नौजवान ब्राह्मण संजीव कुमार मिश्रा की हत्या।
आखिर ब्राह्मणों की इतनी बड़ी संख्या में प्रतिदिन हो रही हत्याओं के पीछे का क्या कारण है?
ब्राह्मण समाज के नेता मौन।
ब्राह्मण समाज मे एकता का अभाव।
मीडिया… pic.twitter.com/0C14cS5Afp
Several other users also shared the visuals and made similar claims. Their posts can be seen here @RamaShankar_IND, @Abhishe06127405, @Shubham_fd
In another case from Sultanpur, sharing the image on X (Formerly Twitter) @ASwatntra wrote. “Another Brahmin sacrifice in the fire of Hindutva. Suraj Shukla, a resident of Jaunpur who worked as a collection agent at L&T Company in Kadipur, was found dead by the roadside in Sultanpur. Is the increasing number of Brahmin murders in Uttar Pradesh a result of the poison and hatred spread by the government, political parties, and the media?”
The truth about both incidents from Amethi and Sultanpur, Fact Check
As soon as the posts containing the sensitive visuals and claims came to our notice. Subsequently, we conducted research and analysis regarding both incidents and found that these incidents were not related to caste or religious hate crimes.
To verify the claims made by the users. We performed relevant keyword searches and found police statements regarding both incidents.
In the case of Amethi, the murder of Sanjiv Kumar Mishra was not motivated by caste but rather by a personal conflict. The main accused, Aditya Mishra, along with his accomplice, killed Sanjiv Kumar Mishra due to a love affair with Aditya’s sister.
#amethipolice थाना जामो व स्वाट/सर्विलांस टीम अमेठी द्वारा 24 घण्टे में हत्या का खुलासा, हत्या के अभियोग में प्रकाश में आये 02 अभियुक्त 01 तमंचा व 01 खोखा कारतूस 315 बोर के साथ गिरफ्तार ।#GoodWorkUpp #GoodWorkAmethiPolice pic.twitter.com/9YWCuWDMlw
— AMETHI POLICE (@amethipolice) December 11, 2024
Similarly, the murder of Suraj Shukla in Sultanpur is being misrepresented. According to police sources and reports, Suraj Shukla, who worked as a collection agent for LNT, was killed by Pritesh Pandey over a financial dispute related to the payment of an instalment. Hence, in both cases, the main accused and victims belong to the same community. And involve different issues, not hate crimes.
Therefore, it is evident from D-Intent Data’s Fact Check that both incidents were not related to caste and religious hate crimes as claimed on social media.
— D-Intent Data (@dintentdata) December 17, 2024
ANALYSIS: Misleading
FACT: Misleading claims are being spread regarding the murders of two men, Sanjiv Kumar Mishra in Amethi & Suraj Shukla in Sultanpur, with some propagandists attempting to portray these incidents as caste-based hate crimes targeting Brahmin. (1/4) pic.twitter.com/0eAMI1FqeJ
Influencers are circulating sensitive visuals with misleading claims to set their narrative based on caste.
Claim– Two Brahmin individuals were killed in caste-based hate crimes in Amethi and Sultanpur.
Fact– In both cases, the main accused and victims belong to the same community. And involve different issues, not hate crimes
Related Article: Brahmin being harassed by police in Kanpur? : Fact