Claims have surfaced on social media alleging that Dhirendra Shastri of Bageshwar Dham was attacked during the “Sanatan Hindu Ekta” padayatra in Jhansi. According to these allegations, miscreants targeted Dhirendra Shastri and disrupted the event. However, these claims are completely false and fabricated. The Jhansi police have issued a statement and clarified that there was no attack on Padyatra.
Making a post on X (Formerly Twitter), @bstvlive wrote, “Jhansi: Dhirendra Shastri attacked during padayatra. Baba Bageshwar attacked during padayatra. A mobile phone thrown at Dhirendra Shastri’s face. Dhirendra Shastri attacked in Mauranipur, Jhansi.”
झांसी : पदयात्रा के दौरान धीरेंद्र शास्त्री पर हमला
— भारत समाचार | Bharat Samachar (@bstvlive) November 26, 2024
➡बाबा बागेश्वर पर पदयात्रा के दौरान हमला
➡धीरेंद्र शास्त्री के चेहरे पर फेंका मोबाइल
➡झांसी के मऊरानीपुर में धीरेंद्र शास्त्री पर हमला.#Jhansi #DhirendraKrishnaShastri @jhansipolice
Propagandist account @surya_samajwadi also made a post on X and wrote, “Dheerendra Shastri had set out to make India a Hindu nation. But was beaten to death by a Hindu who believed in the Constitution”.
धीरेन्द्र शास्त्री भारत को हिंदू राष्ट्र बनाने निकले थे संविधान को मानने वाले एक हिंदू ने कूट दिया 🤣
— Surya Samajwadi (@surya_samajwadi) November 26, 2024
Several other users and Influencers have also disseminated the claims. Their posts can be seen here, @ChandanYdv08, @UPkaLalit, @KhabarSatya,.
The truth about the incident about Dhirendra Shastri, Fact Check
As soon as the posts containing the claims came to our notice. Subsequently, we conducted research and analysis of the incident and found that there was no attack on Bageshwar Dham’s Dhirendra in Jhansi.
To verify the claims made by the users. We performed a relevant keyword search and found the Jhansi police statement regarding the incident. The police have clarified that the claims about the attack on Bageshwar Dham’s Dhirendra are false and misleading.
The police also uploaded a video statement of Dhirendra Shastri in which he states, that people were showering flowers, during this, a mobile phone accidentally slipped from someone’s hand and fell along with the flowers. This minor incident has been misinterpreted and exaggerated into false allegations of an attack.
Therefore, it is evident from D-Intent Data’s Fact Check that the claims about an attack on Dhirendra Shastri were false and fabricated.
— D-Intent Data (@dintentdata) November 26, 2024
ANALYSIS: Misleading
FACT: Claims have surfaced alleging that Dhirendra Shastri of Bageshwar Dham was attacked during the "Sanatan Hindu Ekta" padayatra in Jhansi. According to these allegations, miscreants targeted Dhirendra Shastri & disrupted the event. (1/3)
Influencers and propagandists are circulating false claims about the “Sanatan Hindu Ekta” Padyatra to set their narrative.
Claim– Bageshwar Dham’s Dhirendra Shastri was attacked during the “Sanatan Hindu Ekta Padyatra” in Jhansi, UP.
Fact – The Jhansi Police and Dhirendra have clarified that the claims about the attack are false and baseless.
Related Article: Fact Check: Hindu woman street vendor attacked by Muslim individual in Delhi’s Sultanpuri? – D-Intent Data