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Fact Check: Manchester Airport police brutally assaulted Muslim men because of religious identity?

A video showing police officers forcefully detaining and kicking two individuals at Manchester Airport has been circulated online, with claims suggesting it depicts a religion-based hate crime against Muslims in the UK. However, the incident, which occurred in July 2024, involved the individuals initiating an attack on the police. The officers responded with force, leading to their arrest. This event is not connected to any religious hate crime.

Sharing the video on X (Formerly Twitter) serial fake news peddler and propagandist account @stairwayto3dom wrote. THIS IS “HOW THEY TREAT MUSLIMS IN THE UK”.

Several other users, influencers and propagandists have also shared the video and made similar claims. Their posts can be seen here, @iamsakibali1, @armyofmehdi01.

The truth about the viral video from Manchester, Fact Check 

As soon as the posts containing the video and claims came to our notice. Subsequently, we conducted research and analysis of the incident and found the full context. 

To verify the claims made by the users. We performed a reverse image search of some key frames from the viral video using Google Lens. This led us to media reports containing the same visuals. We further ran a relevant keyword search and found CCTV footage regarding the incident. The video shows these two individuals attacking the police first. In response, the officers retaliated with force, leading to their arrest. Hence, the event is unrelated to any religious hate crime. It occurred at the Manchester Airport in July 2024.

Therefore, it is evident from D-Intent Data’s Fact Check that the incident was not related to religious hate crimes as being portrayed on social media.


Propagandists are circulating sensitive videos without providing the full context to set their narrative based on religion.


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