A video portraying a distressing incident of a boy harassing a girl in Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh, has been widely circulated with a misleading narrative, asserting that a tribal girl was harassed. However, the police investigation has debunked this claim. The individual involved did not belong to the tribal community, and swift action was taken, leading to the arrest and subsequent imprisonment of the accused.
The misinformation was propagated by various Twitter accounts, including @TribalArmy, @Aafrin7866, @KashifArsalaan, @__Ramholkar, @Manishkumarttp, @zoo_bear123, @JituChaudhary25, @AsheeshYadav01, @INDStoryS, @ShahSheikh19, @_mahakyadav, and @ShivamYadavjii.
Madhya Pradesh – Shahdol, tribal girl beaten badly by gang members while going to college.
— Rofl Zubair 2.0 (@Rofl_zubair123) September 16, 2023
Keep in mind that Madhya Pradesh is a BJP ruled state.pic.twitter.com/CZN6l8aa7c
मध्यप्रदेश – शहडोल, आदिवासी लड़की को कॉलेज जाते हुए मंचलों ने बुरी तरह पीटा,
— Kashif Arsalaan (@KashifArsalaan) September 16, 2023
ध्यान रहे ये मध्यप्रदेश BJP शासित राज्य है। pic.twitter.com/lSMiDl2WhQ
The Incident Unveiled
A girl student who appeared to be from a Tribal background before clarification was harassed and assaulted by a man in Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh. The assailant intercepted her on the road and began molesting her, causing her distress. Fortunately, two individuals arrived at the scene and attempted to intervene. Subsequent reports confirmed the arrest of the assailant by the police.
The incident, occurring in Karpa village, Jaisinghnagar police station area, exposed the grim reality of the safety of daughters in the state. The assailant, a young man, accosted a schoolgirl on the road, subjecting her to harassment and physical abuse. Despite her pleas, the accused persisted in his reprehensible actions. The video capturing this horrifying incident went viral, prompting the prompt arrest by the Shahdol police of the man who harassed the girl.
The Disturbing Sequence of Events
The distressing video showcased the molestation and assault of a student from Sarerah, who bravely stood against the molestation. This incident transpired in Karpa village of Jaisinghnagar. The victim, accompanied by her friends, was returning home from school when the assailant, Shivam Singh, intercepted her. He not only molested her but also subjected her to physical harm, causing her immense distress. The victim’s pleas for help from passersby eventually led to her rescue, although the assailant engaged in a heated argument with those who intervened.
The gravity of the situation was worsened as the incident was captured on a mobile phone and shared on social media with false claims of the girl being from a tribal community, garnering widespread attention. The subsequent police intervention swiftly led to the arrest of Shivam Singh, the assailant. This harrowing video has raised legitimate concerns regarding the safety and security of young women and girls in the state. Moreover, state elections are approaching soon and the video might become a political tool to target the Madhya Pradesh Government, which is promoting women empowerment issues at its core in the upcoming elections.
Clarification by Shahdol Police
To quash any misconceptions, Shahdol Police clarified through a tweet that the girl involved in the incident was not from the tribal community. Contrary to misinformation, there was only one individual involved, not a group of miscreants. The police promptly arrested the perpetrator and presented him before the court, resulting in his subsequent imprisonment.
बच्ची आदिवासी समाज से नही है। गुंडे कुछ नही, सिर्फ 1 ही था। जिसकी गिरफ्तारी उसी दिन करके माननीय न्यायालय पेश किया गया था, जहां से उसे जेल भेज दिया गया है।
— SP Shahdol (@shahdol_police) September 16, 2023
Intent Behind Misinformation: Spreading Caste-based Hatred
It is evident that propagandists with a divisive agenda have exploited this distressing incident to fuel caste-based hatred. By spreading false claims and misrepresenting the situation, they seek to incite disharmony within the community. Moreover, it is essential to distinguish fact from fiction and refrain from succumbing to misleading narratives aimed at sowing discord. Following a precise analysis and fact-checking, our team has reviewed the claim. You can refer to the findings of this inquiry in the Twitter thread below. To know more about the incident, read articles by www.patrika.com [Archive] and timesofindia.indiatimes.com [Archive].
— D-Intent Data (@dintentdata) September 21, 2023
ANALYSIS: Misleading
FACT: A disturbing video that shows a boy harassing a girl on the road while other boys and a man interfering has been shared, misleadingly claiming that a tribal girl was harassed by miscreants in Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh.(1/2) pic.twitter.com/dUrvd3Dsyc
Claim: A tribal girl was harassed in Shahdol by a group of men.
Fact: An individual identified as Shivam Singh harassed her.