A fake video has gone viral that purports to tell the story of an Indian military exercise that took place in March 2013. The video shows that as the paratroopers descended one by one and struggled to open their parachutes, many of them lost their lives and others went missing in tragic accidents.
@centralasiaobs shared the video and tweeted “Indian military proficiency” on April 6, 2024. The tweet has received an about more than 2k views on X.
Indian military proficiency pic.twitter.com/R5HOzkiJ2i
— Viceroy Babur (@centralasiaobs) April 6, 2024
Several other accounts, including @RyLiberty, @DDGrubu, @lporiginalg made the same claim that the video of the Indian military shows how the paratroopers, one by one, struggled to open their parachutes, leading to horrible mishaps, fatalities, and even some missing persons. The archive can be read from above.
What is the Actual Truth About this Incident? : Fact
In actuality, the video is really false propaganda. The video features images from many different locations, including a crowd holding the national flag of Pakistan. In March 2013, India did not carry out any military exercises, and no such incident happened. Between May 3–17, 2013, the Indian Army and the US Army held a bilateral military exercise at Fort Bragg, US. We went to defense.gov, which uploaded one of the photos with the heading “An Indian army paratrooper jumps from a 34-foot parachute training tower during airborne refresher training at the 82nd Airborne Division’s Advanced Airborne School during Yudh Abhyas 2013 on Fort Bragg, N.C., May 3, 2013.”. Further, another image was uploaded by the defense.gov, with the heading “Indian army paratroopers assigned to the 50th Independent Para Brigade practice parachute landing falls during airborne refresher training at the 82nd Airborne Division’s Advanced Airborne School during Yudh Abhyas 2013 on Fort Bragg, N.C., May 3, 2013.”. For more clarification, we visited army.mil, which published an article about this incident on May 10, 2013 with the headline “Annual ‘Yudh Abhyas’ training with Indian Army kicks off at Bragg this year”. It added “FORT BRAGG, N.C. — Partnership is not an event but a process. Yudh Abhyas, the annual bilateral soldier training between India and the United States began its ninth year May 3, held for the first time here at the home of the U.S. Army Airborne.”.
Check out the Youtube Video:
D-Intent’s Fact-Checking Results:
— D-Intent Data (@dintentdata) April 7, 2024
FACT: A video that contains a fabricated story about Indian military has been shared claiming that in March 2013 India hosted a grand military exercise in which Indian paratroopers began descending one by one and struggled to open their parachutes (1/3) pic.twitter.com/HFNFBhqM21
Users are circulating self-invented stories to target Indian Army. A video that contains a fabricated story about Indian military has been shared claiming that in March 2013 India hosted a grand military exercise in which Indian paratroopers began descending one by one and struggled to open their parachutes resulting in tragic accidents and the loss of their lives; some went missing. The video is, in fact, nothing more than fake propaganda. The video features images from several locations, like the crowd of people waving Pakistan’s national flag. No such incident happened in March 2013, and India did not undertake any military exercises. In Fort Bragg, US, the Indian Army and the US Army held a bilateral military exercise from May 3–May 17, 2013.
Claim : A video has gone viral that fabricates a story about the Indian military and states that during a large-scale military exercise held in March 2013, paratroopers from India started to descend one by one. As they struggled to open their parachutes, tragic accidents occurred, resulting in the deaths of many of them and the disappearance of others.
Fact : The fact is that the video is nothing but fake propaganda. The visuals depicted in the video are from different locations, such as the crowd holding Pakistan’s national flag. India conducted no military exercise in March 2013, and no such incident occurred. The Indian Army and the U.S. Army conducted a bilateral military exercise between 3 and 17 May 2013 in Fort Bragg, US.
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