In the wake of the successful launch of #Chandrayaan3, there has been a surge of misinformation circulating on social media. False claims are being spread, alleging that ISRO engineers who contributed to Chandrayaan-3 did not receive their salaries for a staggering 17 months. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that these claims are far from accurate.
The Incident in Detail:
The misleading links being shared play a significant role in perpetuating this false narrative. One such link from Anandabazar reads, “Engineers and workers of HEC who worked hard for Chandrayaan-3 did not get their salaries for about 17 months.” The archived version of the link can be found here.
Additionally, tweets from various accounts further add to the confusion. For instance, the Twitter handle DainikBhaskar posted a screenshot claiming the same narrative. Another tweet from _sayema contributes to the spread of misinformation [3], along with tweets from handles such as SR_Tmc007 , soumdaram , NirmalP53725267, SupriyaShrinate , and SouthAsiaIndex . All these accounts are involved in propagating the distorted claims about ISRO’s engineers not receiving their salaries.
D-Intent’s Fact Checking Results:
D-Intent, a fact-checking organization, delved into the matter to determine the veracity of these claims. Their findings contradict the misleading information circulating online. The fact-checking link from Times of India reveals that the news about engineers not receiving salaries for 17 months pertains to Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd (HEC). The fact-checking link can be found here.
HEC is not an official partner of ISRO, but its engineers did play a vital role in the Chandrayaan-3 project. The fact is that all engineers at HEC celebrated the successful launch of Chandrayaan-3. The issue with salaries was specific to HEC and unrelated to ISRO.
Furthermore, the fact-checking link from Times of India also indicates that HEC executives resolved their 150-day strike after the PSU agreed to release two-month salaries to both executives and workers. The company also promised to take effective steps to release the outstanding salaries in the future.
In conclusion, it is evident that the claims circulating on social media about ISRO’s engineers not receiving their salaries for 17 months are misleading and false. The incident involves Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd (HEC), which is not an official partner of ISRO. The intent behind spreading this misinformation seems to be to target ISRO and the government. These misleading links and fact-checking results show how easily false narratives can affect even significant achievements like the successful launch of Chandrayaan-3.
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