An Image from parliament has been shared in which two women MPs Mahua Moitra from Krishnanagar and Sayani Ghosh from Jadavpur can be seen sitting in the parliament with their eyes closed. The image has been shared with the claim that they were sleeping in the parliament. D-Intent Data has found that these images were taken at a particular time. And they were not sleeping but listening to Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Arvind Ganpat Sawant.
Images circulated with misleading claims “Krishnanagar MP Mahua Moitra And Jadavpur MP Sayani Ghosh were caught sleeping in the parliament”
Several users including political influencers have shared the image and claimed that MP Mahua Moitra & Jadavpur MP Sayani Ghosh were caught sleeping on camera in parliament.
Sharing the image, an account namely @subhsays on X(formerly Twitter) has said. “ MP Mahua Moitra and MP Sayani Ghosh spent the whole night thinking about the development projects of respective regions. Hence they decided to sleep in Parliament, Krishnanagar and Jadavpur people are really ‘ FORTUNATE ‘ to get them”.
Another user @NLights21 has shared the image and said , “In Parliament, Krishnanagar – Jadavpur ‘sleeping’ Sometimes Medinipur wakes up”.
@BhaavnaArora has also shared the image and projected as they were sleeping in the parliament.
Several other users have also shared the image and made similar claims, their posts can be seen here @sevakabbishek, KrishanuOnline
Truth about the image of Krishnanagar MP Mahua Moitra And Jadavpur MP Sayani Ghosh
As soon as the posts came to our knowledge, we tried to find if the claims are true or false. During research we found that the image was taken when Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Arvind Ganpat Sawant was making his remarks during the parliament session. During research we found the video of Shiv Sena (UBT) MP.
We learned that the two MPs Mahua Moitra and Sayani Ghosh were not sleeping but they were listening to Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Arvind Ganpat Sawant. The picture was taken deliberately in a particular frame to mislead readers.
Users and political influencers are circulating selective images of TMC MP Mahua Moitra and Sayani Ghosh to set their narrative.
Claim- Krishnanagar MP Mahua Moitra & Jadavpur MP Sayani Ghosh were caught sleeping on camera in parliament.
Fact- They were not sleeping but were listening to Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Arvind Ganpat Sawant.
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