Punjab Shiv Sena leader Sandeep Thapar was attacked with swords by a group of Nihangs outside Ludhiana Civil Hospital on Friday afternoon. The incident occurred in broad daylight when he was riding a two-wheeler with his gunman. After the incident, propagandists have started circulating false claims about Sandeep Thapar. Social media users claimed that Sandeep Thapar was carrying cocaine and the Scooty was registered under somebody else’s name. Case has been registered against Sandeep Thapar and investigation has been initiated regarding the matter. However, D-Intent Data has found that these claims are false and self-invented. No case was registered against Sandeep Thapar.
False claims circulated about Shiv Sena leader Sandeep Thapar attack in Ludhiana
After the attack on Punjab Shiv Sena leader Sandeep Thapar, propagandists circulated false claims about Sandeep Thapar to target him.
An account @X1Itsover on X (Formerly Twitter) has claimed that, “750 gm cocaine is found from scooty of Sandeep Thapar. Case has been registered against him. Police found out that Scooty was registered under somebody else,s name.Police is looking into matter if this scooty was stolen.”
Another user @Simran_n_n on X shared the image of Sandeep Thapar and said. 750 gm cocaine is found from scooty of Sandeep Thapar. Case has been registered against him. Police found out that Scooty was registered under somebody else,s name.Police is looking into matter if this scooty was stolen.
Several other users have also shared the sensitive image of Sandeep Thapar and made similar claims. Their posts can be seen here @Singh20847281, @BhanotVat11607
Truth about Shiv Sena leader Sandeep Thapar attack in Ludhiana, Fact-Check
As soon as the posts came to our knowledge, we conducted research and found several reports about the attack on Punjab Shiv Sena leader Sandeep Thapar. According to reports, Sandeep Thapar was attacked near the Civil Hospital when he was returning from the office of the NGO Samvedna Trust after attending an event to mark the death anniversary of the trust’s founder-president and BJP leader Ravinder Arora.
Also, no case was registered against Sandeep Thapar, and no reports of the cocaine found in his scooty. He was riding the scooty with his gunman, and after the attack, the attackers fled with his scooty as seen in the video.
According to the Ludhiana police. The attackers have been identified as Sarabjit Singh Saba, Harjot Singh alias Jota and Tehal Singh Ladi. Sarabjit and Harjot have been arrested and the two-wheeler of Sandeep Thapar has also been recovered.
There are no reports of Sandeep Thapar was carrying cocaine in his scooty. And no case was registered against him in this incident, The claims being circulated in social media are nothing but a propaganda.
So many propagandists are circulating false claims about Punjab Shiv Sena leader Sandeep Thapar to target him, and defending the criminal activities in the state.
Claim- 750 gm found from Sandeep Thapar’s scooty, the scooty was registered under someone else’s name. Case has been registered against Sandeep.
Fact- These claims are false and self-invented. No case was registered against Sandeep Thapar, and the two-wheeler belonged to Sandeep Thapar, Also reports about cocaine.