A few days ago, a video surfaced on social media showing a disturbing altercation between two men and a helpless individual, accompanied by claims that it depicted a brutal assault on a Christian labourer by Hindus in Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh. This incident, however, occurred in October 2022 and is unrelated to religious motives. The fake news with misleading claims was revived and recirculated by a Pakistan-based propaganda account @SAHR_Watch.
In a disturbing incident that has sent shockwaves through the Chibramau Kotwali area of Kannauj, a video capturing the brutal assault of a Christian laborer by extremist Hindus has gone viral. pic.twitter.com/LeHxVcIa7p
— South Asian Human Rights Watch (@SAHR_Watch) September 20, 2023
The Origin of the Video:
The video in question, which has been widely shared on social media platforms, dates back to October 2022. It captures an altercation in Chandra Pur Village, within the Chhibramau Kotwali area of Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh. Contrary to the misleading narrative, the incident did not involve any religious elements but rather revolved around a labourer named Dharampal Thakur.
Dharampal Thakur was involved in a dispute with two individuals, Bhupendra Singh and Rinku, over a wage transaction. The altercation, as seen in the video, was a result of this dispute and not an act of religious hatred or extremism. Importantly, both the victim and the accused belong to the same community, dispelling any notions of religious animosity. Click here, to read more about the incident [archive].
Kannauj Police promptly responded to this incident by registering a case under the relevant sections of the law against the individuals who assaulted the Christian labourer. Advanced legal proceedings are currently underway to address the matter appropriately.
उपरोक्त प्रकरण में कोतवाली छिबरामऊ पर सुसंगत धाराओं में अभियोग पंजीकृत किया जा चुका है, अग्रिम विधिक कार्यवाही प्रचलित है।
— kannauj police (@kannaujpolice) October 29, 2022
The Intent & The Conclusion:
It has come to light that the dissemination of this video with a false religious narrative is part of a wider propaganda effort. Pakistan-based propaganda accounts have always been instrumental in circulating old videos with misleading claims, aiming to fuel religious animosity and discord within India.
In conclusion, the video depicting an altercation in Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh, was inaccurately presented as a religiously motivated assault by Hindus. The incident was, in fact, a result of a wage dispute between individuals of the same community. Kannauj police have taken legal action to address the matter appropriately. It is crucial to remain vigilant against misleading narratives and false claims that seek to create divisions and tensions based on religion.
— D-Intent Data (@dintentdata) September 25, 2023
ANALYSIS: Misleading
FACT: A sensitive video that shows two men mercilessly thrashing a helpless empty-handed man with sticks has been shared claiming that a Christian laborer was brutally assaulted by extremist Hindus in Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh. (1/3) pic.twitter.com/dbRx6CCAch
Claim: The video shows a Christian labourer brutally assaulted by Hindus in Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh.
Fact: The video captures an altercation between individuals over a wage dispute in Kannauj, unrelated to religious motives. The victim and accused belong to the same community.
Read More about Pakistan-Based Fake Propaganda Account “South Asia Index”.