A video is circulated on the social media that claims to show an Indian girl breaking down in tears after meeting cricket player Babar Azam. Some social media users claim that the video is from Cricket World Cup where the Indian Girl is getting emotional for the Cricketer after meeting him.
Some Pakistani users on twitter, including Zeshan Haider (“@SyedZeshan56“) shared the incident with the caption “An Indian fan girl got emotional after meeting Babar Azam and started crying. Unreal Craze for King Babar Azam across the world… #BabarAzam“. He later deleted the tweet. The post archive can be read from above.
The Real Truth About the Video: Fact- Check
The video was actually shot in Multan, Pakistan, a long time ago.
After meeting Babar Azam in December 2022, the girl became emotional. The claim is not at all true. It has nothing to do with Babar Azam’s Indian fangirl.
Check out the full video here:
D-Intent’s Fact-Checking Results:
— D-Intent Data (@dintentdata) October 15, 2023
ANALYSIS: Misleading
FACT: A video that shows a girl getting emotional after meeting cricketer Babar Azam has been shared, claiming that an Indian girl got emotional after meeting Babar Azam & started crying. The fact is that this is an old video from Multan, Pakistan.(1/2) pic.twitter.com/3s1eeFuqa1
To hype their players, desperate Pakistani accounts are spreading old videos from Multan, Pakistan, with the false impression that they are from India.
Claim : An Indian girl broke down in tears after meeting cricket player Babar Azam, according to a video that has been circulated.
Fact : The fact is that this is an old video from Multan, Pakistan.