A video of a verbal brawl between Indian fans at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad during the IND vs PAK match has gone viral, claiming that a Sikh youth was targeted because of his religion and was referred to as a khalistani.
Verified account on twitter, including, Maze (” @Maze_6999“) claimed that Paid supporters of the BJP and RSS even got into a fight with a Sikh fan, referring to him as Khalistani, and questioned whether Pakistanis can behave well with the Pakistani cricket players.
BJP/RSS Paid Supporters Even Fighting With a Sikh Fan ( Calling Him Khalistani ) , And Pakistani's Think that they Will Behave Good With Pakistan Cricketers…? 😶
— Maze (@Maze_6999) October 14, 2023
Well its Expected From BJP Followers…#Copied#INDvPAK pic.twitter.com/FxeQB5BQK3
Some other verified users, including Vikrant Gupta (“@vikrantguptaa73“) ,Mubashir Bilal (“@Mubashirbilal00“), @Hatindersinghr3 also shared the same video and claimed that during the match in Ahmedabad, these Gujjus were standing, disrupting the view of people sitting behind them. When confronted by a Sikh, the pack of wolves did the best they could, attacking a lone person, who was called Khalistani and Bhappa despite wearing Indian jerseys.
What is the real truth about the video from IND vs PAK match? : Fact
The truth is that they got into a verbal spat when one of them put his leg on another’s seat, leaving it dirty. It has nothing to do with religion, and no words like khalistani were heard or reported in the video. Those accounts spreading false narratives were the ones who circulated a digitally altered video following IND vs PAK.
IND vs PAK match was on Oct 14,2023 at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. We visited News 18 to get more information about the incident.The hosts were cheered on by a packed Narendra Modi stadium. While their numbers at the stadium were limited, Pakistani cricket fans gathered in large numbers online. However, it appears that India vs. Pakistan was not the only heated clash that occurred. A video that has gone viral shows two fans engaged in a heated brawl at the Narendra Modi Stadium. The fight began when one man put his legs on another man’s seat. A group of men wearing blue jerseys can be seen exchanging heated words in the video.
D-Intent’s Fact-Checking Results:
— D-Intent Data (@dintentdata) October 18, 2023
ANALYSIS: Misleading
FACT: A video of a verbal altercation between Indian fans at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad during the #INDvsPAK match has been shared, claiming that a Sikh youth was targeted because of his religion, and they called him a khalistani. (1/3) pic.twitter.com/bS1rOoTZ4y
Propaganda accounts are circulating videos with false claims in order to spread hatred propaganda based on religion.
Claim : A video of a heated argument between Indian supporters during the IND vs PAK match at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad has gone viral. The fans are accused of calling a young Sikh man a “khalistani” and of targeting him due to his religion.
Fact : The truth is that they got into a verbal fight because one of them soiled the other’s seat with his leg. It is unrelated to religion, and neither the video nor the media reported any usage of the term “khalistani.”