A video has gone viral showing a woman who appears to be a human-like robot serving food to customers with robot-like movements at a Chinese restaurant. It is claimed to be a humanoid robot waitress at a restaurant in China.
Verified accounts on twitter, including @clip_insane tweeted “Robots will rule the world. A Chinese restaurant’s robot waitresses” on Jan 31, 2024.
Robots will rule the world. A Chinese restaurant's robot waitresses pic.twitter.com/u8BfOh7MHT
— Insane Clips (@clip_insane) January 31, 2024
Several other accounts, including @biltek_pluss made the same claim that a woman is working as a humanoid robot waitress at a restaurant in China, using robotic-like movements to serve food to customers. The archive can be read from above.
What is the Actual Truth About this Incident? : Fact
In reality, it’s not a robot at all. It’s a Chinese waitress who pretends to be a robot. It doesn’t have anything to do with robots. There are many videos available where she can be seen doing the similar kind of activities.
We further visited Business Insider India, which published an article on this incident on Nov 22, 2023 with the headline “A Chinese waitress who pretends to be a humanoid robot is dividing the internet”. It is clear from this article that the claims made were absolutely misleading.
Check out the Youtube Video:
D-Intent’s Fact-Checking Results:
— D-Intent Data (@dintentdata) February 4, 2024
ANALYSIS: Misleading
FACT: A video is being circulated that shows a woman serving food to customers with robot-like movements, claiming to be a humanoid robot waitress at a restaurant in China. The fact is that this is not a humanoid robot but a Chinese waitress, (1/3) pic.twitter.com/JBDxvQlO6E
Influencers are circulating videos with false claims to get the spotlight on social media using clickbait videos. A video is being circulated that shows a woman serving food to customers with robot-like movements, claiming to be a humanoid robot waitress at a restaurant in China. In actuality, this is a Chinese waitress posing as a humanoid robot waitress rather than a humanoid robot. Humanoid robots are unrelated to it. There are numerous videos online that show her engaging in comparable activities.
Claim : There’s a video circulating that purports to show a woman working as a humanoid robot waitress at a restaurant in China, using robotic-like movements to serve food to customers.
Fact : The fact is that this is not a humanoid robot but a Chinese waitress, pretending to be a humanoid robot waitress. It has nothing to do with humanoid robots. Many videos are available in which she can be seen in similar activities.
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