Asserting to be from Kerala state in India, a sensitive video has gone viral showing vehicles passing over an Indian flag that has been positioned on a busy road while a gathering of people are holding Pakistani flags.
Verified accounts on twitter, including @mjoshi50 added “If you consider yourself a true patriot and Sanatani So Forward this video across the country and the world now. There is no point in forwarding after 6 months. I have never asked you to forward any of my posts before” and shared the video in a twitter post on May 7, 2024. The tweet has received an about 410.2k views on X.
— manoj joshi (@mjoshi50) May 7, 2024
केरल के इस वीडियो को देखें😡😡
यदि आप स्वयं को सच्चा देशभक्त और सनातनी मानते है
देश एवं दुनिया भर में यह वीडियो अभी फॉरवर्ड करें।
6 महीने बाद फॉरवर्ड करने का कोई अर्थ नहीं है।
मैंने इससे पहले कभी अपनी किसी पोस्ट को फॉरवर्ड करने हेतु नहीं कहा है
आज कह रहा हूं।
Several other accounts, including @ManojSh28986262 made the same claim that vehicles driving over an Indian flag displayed on a busy road while a group of people hoist Pakistani flags in their hands is from Kerala, India. The archive can be read from above.
What is the Actual Truth About this Incident? : Fact
This is an old video that is not related to India; it is from Karachi, Pakistan. Sanam Boutique is the name on the shop’s signboard at the start of the video. We located the place in Karachi, Pakistan, using Google, and it had the identical background and “Sanam Boutique” business sign. The same buildings and infrastructure were seen in the video’s background as well. So, the claim that the controversial video of vehicles driving over an Indian flag displayed on a busy road while a group of people raise Pakistani flags, claiming to be from India’s Kerala state is not true.
D-Intent’s Fact-Checking Results:
— D-Intent Data (@dintentdata) May 8, 2024
ANALYSIS: Misleading
FACT: A sensitive video that shows vehicles driving over an Indian flag placed on a busy road while a group of people are holding Pakistani flags in their hands has been shared, claiming to be from India's Kerala state. (1/3)
Influencers are circulating old videos from Pakistan claiming to be from India’s Kerala to set their narrative to influence the ongoing general elections. A sensitive video that shows vehicles driving over an Indian flag placed on a busy road while a group of people are holding Pakistani flags in their hands has been shared, claiming to be from India’s Kerala state. This is an old video from Pakistan’s Karachi that has nothing to do with India. The shop’s signboard at the start of the video reads “Sanam Boutique.” We looked it up on Google and identified a place in Karachi, Pakistan, with the same business sign “Sanam Boutique” and background. We also noticed the same buildings and infrastructure in the video’s background.
Claim : A disturbing video has been posted, showing vehicles driving over an Indian flag displayed on a busy road while a group of people hoist Pakistani flags in their hands. The video claims to be from Kerala, India.
Fact : This is an old video from Pakistan’s Karachi—it has nothing to do with India. At the beginning of the video, the shop’s signboard reads “Sanam Boutique.” We searched it on Google and found the location in Karachi, Pakistan, with the same shop signboard “Sanam Boutique” and the same background.