A few days ago, social media was abuzz with reports claiming that Suresh Thakur, a Samajwadi Party worker, was beaten to death by miscreants in Unnao, Uttar Pradesh. Former Chief Minister of UP and Samajwadi Party President, Akhilesh Yadav, and Bhim Army Chief, Chandra Sekhar Aazad along with several other political leaders and handles like @RinkanSain, @Kalan27Kumar, @Vikashdubeysp, @ChamparanArmy, and many others shared these claims.
However, Unnao Police swiftly responded via their official Twitter account, providing clarification regarding the incident, they released a circular and a video message. On August 10, 2023, around noon, Suresh Thakur’s health suddenly deteriorated. His family members rushed him to a local hospital, where medical professionals declared him dead. The police department released an official circular through their Twitter account, categorically stating that Suresh Thakur did not die due to any physical assault. Instead, the postmortem report revealed that his demise resulted from a heart attack.
The intent behind the circulation of false claims seems to revolve around political motives. Politicians and political workers, including Akhilesh Yadav and Chandra Sekhar Azaad, sought to utilize this incident to construct a narrative that criticizes the present Bharatiya Janata Party government in Uttar Pradesh, led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. By using misleading tweets, they attempted to portray a sense of lawlessness in the state, implying that the value of individual lives in Uttar Pradesh had decreased under BJP’s rule.
After conducting an extensive analysis, our team engaged in fact-checking the claim. You can find the results of this investigation in the Twitter thread embedded below for your reference.
CLAIM: Propagandist accounts claim that a Samajwadi party worker was beaten to death.
FACT: Fake news, he died in a heart attack and had no connection with any sort of physical assault.
In our pursuit of accurate and unbiased information, we’ve diligently fact-checked the claims surrounding the incident. Misinformation can sow discord and disrupt communal harmony. Your support matters greatly in our mission to foster an informed and united society. Together, let’s strive to make India and Indians proud, upholding truth and unity. Jai Hind.
Also Read: Was Dalit Man Beaten to Death and His Wife Raped in Uttar Pradesh’s Bareilly? Fact-Check