A video circulating online shows houses engulfed in flames, accompanied by claims that extremists deliberately set fire to Hindu homes as part of the ongoing violence in Bangladesh. However, these claims are baseless and misleading. According to reports, the incident occurred in the Kshidradhama area of Bogra Sadar, where two houses caught fire due to an electrical short circuit.
Sharing the video on X (Formerly Twitter) @LindaMikhaylov wrote, “Bangladesh, Bogra: Hindus are being locked in their homes and their houses are being set on fire.”
Propaganda account @Vini__007 also shared the video and wrote, “Bangladesh, Bogra. The anti-Hindu government of Bangladesh has committed inhumane atrocities on minority Hindus. Hindus are being locked in their homes and their houses are being set on fire. Do the world’s human rights organizations not see these atrocities?”
📍Bangladesh, Bogra
— VINI💞 (@Vini__007) December 21, 2024
बांग्लादेश की हिंदू विरोधी सरकार ने अल्पसंख्यक हिंदुओं पर अमानवीय अत्याचार किए हैं।
हिंदुओ को घर मे बंद करके घरों को आग लगाई जा रही है।
दुनिया के मानवाधिकार संगठनों को ये अत्याचार नज़र नहीं आते? pic.twitter.com/lAdUaawCHg
Several other users and Influencers have also shared the video and made similar claims. Their posts can be seen here, @Akhand_Bharat_S, @k36077
The truth about the viral video from Bogra, Bangladesh, Fact Check
As soon as the posts containing the video and claims came to our notice. Subsequently, we conducted research and analysis of the video and found that the incident was unrelated to religious hate crimes.
To verify the claims made by the users. We performed a reverse image search of some key frames from the viral video using Google Lens. This led us to media reports containing the same visuals. According to the media reports (1, 2), the incident occurred in the Kshidradhama area of Bogra Sadar, where two houses caught fire due to an electrical short circuit.
Therefore, it is evident from D-Intent Data’s Fact Check that the fire broke out due to an electrical short circuit, not a religious hate crime.
— D-Intent Data (@dintentdata) December 22, 2024
ANALYSIS: Misleading
FACT: A video circulating online shows houses engulfed in flames, accompanied by claims that extremists deliberately set fire to Hindu homes as part of the ongoing violence in Bangladesh. However, these claims are baseless and misleading. (1/3) pic.twitter.com/6UgZgPqiZF
Influencers are circulating videos from Bangladesh with misleading claims to set their narrative.
Claim– The houses of people belonging to the Hindu community were set on fire by extremists in Bangladesh.
Fact – The fire broke out due to an electrical short circuit, not related to religious hate crimes.
Related Article: Fact Check: An old video of a clash between two groups of the Muslim community in Bangladesh resurfaced with misleading claims – D-Intent Data