Recently violent protests and riots erupted in several cities in the UK after a mass stabbing that killed three girls in Southport, England. Now, a video has been circulated claiming to show police vehicles transporting ‘technological weapons’ in the form of large metal blocks to use against protestors.
However, D-Intent Data discovered that these blocks are actually mobile police cordon barriers, used by law enforcement agencies to control crowds and maintain public order.
Sharing the video on X (Formerly Twitter) an account Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho ) wrote. What advanced technological Weaponry are the UK Police transporting here to use against ‘the Far Right’? As of now, the post has received more than 180k views, 2k likes and a significant number of engagements.
The truth about the video claiming technological weapons, Fact Check
As soon as the posts containing the video came to our notice, we conducted research and analysis. And found that these blocks were not technological weapons but mobile police cordon barriers.
To verify the claims circulating on social media. We performed a reverse image search of some key frames from the video on Google. This led us to media reports and other platforms containing the same blocks.
According to various sources such as Alamy, these blocks are simply mobile police cordon barriers, used by law enforcement to control crowds and maintain public order.
Hence, it is evident from D-Intent Data’s Fact Check that the large blocks are not technological weapons but mobile police cordon barriers.
Influencers are circulating videos with misleading claims to set their narrative over the ongoing unrest in the UK.
Claim- Police transporting technological Weaponry to use against far-right protestors.
Fact- These blocks are mobile police cordon barriers, used by law enforcement to control crowds and maintain public order.
Related Article: UK Police shot dead a Bangladeshi Male in London? Fact Check (