Ashok SwainFact Check

#Factcheck-claim”Gujarat Home Minister gave Indian citizenship to 24 Pakistani Hindus, 1500 Hindu refugees returned from Rajasthan in 2 years”

Fact: Kid of true. According to the president of an organisation that works to help Hindu refugees said that,
many of them are Pakistani Hindus who have been living under exile for10-15 years
In 2004-2005, 25,000 Hindu refugees were awarded Indian citizenship.
[The Ashok Gehlot Government was in office from 2004 to 2005]
However, in the prior five years, this figure was barely 2000.
Due to the lack of Indian citizenship, around 1500 such Hindu exiles will be forced to return in 2021-22.
According to the guidelines they must obtain a passport from the Pakistani embassy,
which can cost up to Rs 10,000 to renew, but the majority of refugees are underprivileged and lack discretionary funds.

Intent: This is being spread by a social media user to portray the Rajasthan government as anti-Hindu. However, this is false because the same government granted citizenship to 25000 Indians in 2004–2005. However, given the current situation, it is not incorrect, as 1500 Hindu refugees returned to Pakistan and only 2000 received citizenship over the course of the last five years. But one of the reasons is the exorbitant expense of passport renewal.


Recently, Gujarat Home Minister Harsh Sanghvi granted Indian citizenship to 24 Hindu refugees from Pakistan. In contrast, in Rajasthan in 2021-22, about 1500 such Hindu refugees had to return due to non-availability of Indian citizenship. These refugees coming from Pakistan are the victims, who are persecuted in that Muslim country. Abduction and conversion of Hindu or Sikh girls as well as forced marriages have become common in Pakistan.

Talking about Gujarat, Harsh Sanghvi handed over citizenship to Hindus living in the state for a long time in a program on Monday (August 12, 2022) in Rajkot. On the occasion of ‘Azadi Ke Amrit Mahotsav’, the refugees looked giddy with this citizenship and thanked the Gujarat government. An elderly woman cried and said that she had been waiting for this moment for years, but now her patience has paid off.

Another young woman, who is making her career in the aviation sector, also thanked the Government of India. He told that he was facing problems in the course as he did not have citizenship. His family had been waiting for this for 16 years. She said that now that she has become an Indian citizen, she has gained confidence to fulfill her dream. Another youth said that now he will complete his graduation and move ahead in the field of his choice.

During this, Harsh Sanghvi welcomed all of them and assured that the government would support them in their development and progress. In Rajasthan, 334 such refugees have had to return this year. For this, an organization named ‘Semant Lok Sangathan’ also blamed the slowness of the Ashok Gehlot government in the state and the central government not paying attention to them. Most of them do not have the resources and finances to get Indian citizenship, due to which they were forced to return to Pakistan.

The president of the organization working for the benefit of Hindu refugees said that despite spending money, there is uncertainty about getting citizenship. Many of them Pakistani Hindus have been refugees for 10-15 years. In 2004-05, 25,000 Hindu refugees got Indian citizenship by organizing a camp, but in the last 5 years this figure is only 2000. According to the rules, these refugees have to bring a passport from the Pakistani embassy, ​​which is charged up to Rs 10,000 for renewal. Most of the refugees are poor and do not have money to spend here and there.

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