Reports are circulating that claim BJP leader Priyangu Pandey was shot dead during a recent “Bangla bandh” in West Bengal. However, this information is misleading and inaccurate. The incident in question involved a shooting where two individuals, Ravi Singh and the car’s driver, Ravi Verma, were injured. Both are currently receiving medical treatment for their injuries, but there have been no fatalities reported from the incident.
Sharing the video from the incident, propagandist account @SaffronSunanda wrote, “JUNGLE RAJ IN WEST BENGAL. Priyangu Pandey, a BJP leader shot dead in broad daylight by TMC goons. 7 rounds of firing and raw bombs were thrown during the protest. Mamata Banerjee must resign.”
Another propaganda account, @MrSinha_ has also shared the video and wrote, Shocking: BJP leader Priyangu Pandey was shot at in broad daylight in WB. This is the ideal democracy of so-called “seculars-liberals”. They want this model throughout the country.
Several other users, influencers and propagandists have also shared the video and made similar claims. Their posts can be seen here, @TVG_BJP, @seriousfunnyguy, @pratheesh_Hind
We truth behind the claims about Priyangu Pandey, Fact Check
As soon as the posts containing the sensitive video of the firing incident came to our notice, we conducted research and analysis of the incident and found that the claims about the death of BJP leader Priyangu Pandey were fake and fabricated.
To verify the claims made by the users, we performed a relevant keyword search on Google, which led us to media reports regarding the incident, according to the media reports, a firing incident was reported on the BJP leader Priyangu Pandey’s car in North 24 Parganas during the recent “Bangla Bandh”. In this incident, two individuals Ravi Singh and the car’s driver, Ravi Verma were injured while BJP leader Priyangu Pandey was unharmed. Both the injured received treatment for their injuries.
Priyangu Pandey later appeared on live television and gave an interview. This confirms that he is safe and unharmed. The rumours of his death are entirely false and baseless.
Hence, it is evident from verified sources that during this firing incident, two people were injured and nobody was killed.
Social media users, influencers, propagandists and political workers are circulating false and self-invented claims from the recent firing incident in West Bengal to set their political narrative in the state.
Claim– BJP leader Priyangu Pandey was shot dead during a recent “Bangla bandh” in West Bengal.
Fact– Two individuals including the car driver were injured in the incident, BJP leader Priyangu Pandey was unharmed. The claims about his death are false and self-invented
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