A sensitive video showing a man shooting a cow twice has been shared online, with claims that Mohammed Mujahid Islam, the Media in charge of Kerala Congress, shot the cow in the head to celebrate Priyanka Gandhi’s victory. However, the facts reveal that this is an old video from Manipur, which has been available online since at least May 2024. The video is not recent and has no connection to Kerala, elections, or by-elections.
Sharing the video on X (Formerly Twitter) @Chandramouli1_ wrote, This Barbarian is Mohammed Mujahid Islam, the Media in-charge of Kerala Congress. He shoots a Cow in the Head to Celebrate Priyanka Gandhi’s victory. Share this Video till it reaches the Home Ministry of India and he gets Arrested.
Propaganda account @FrontalForce also shared the video and wrote, This Barbarian is Mohammed Mujahid Islam, the Media in-charge of Kerala Congress. He shoots a Cow in the Head to Celebrate Priyanka Gandhi’s victory. Later, he deleted the post.
Several other users, influencers and propagandists have also shared the video and made similar claims. Their posts can be seen here, @HPhobiaWatch, @FactswithDinesh
The truth behind the claims shared as from Kerala, Fact Check
As soon as the posts containing the sensitive video and claims came to our notice. Subsequently, we conducted research and analysis of the video and found that the video was not from Kerala. But an old incident from Manipur and unrelated to the election victory celebration by Congress workers.
To verify the claims made by the users. We performed a reverse image search of some key frames from the viral video using Google Lens. This led us to several media reports (1, 2) and social media reports containing the same visuals. According to the media reports, this is an old incident from Manipur.
Responding to a post containing the same video in May 2024 PETA India said. “PETA India’s Cruelty Response Team is working with Manipur Police’s Cyber Crime Cell to confirm the details with respect to the location of the crime. Once it is ascertained we will work with the concerned district police to get an FIR registered and have necessary action taken”.
Therefore, it is evident from verified sources that the video was not from Kerala and was unrelated to the election victory celebration by Congress workers.
— D-Intent Data (@dintentdata) November 28, 2024
ANALYSIS: Misleading
FACT: A sensitive video depicting a man shooting a cow twice has been shared claiming that a man named Mohammed Mujahid Islam, the Media in charge of Kerala Congress, shot a Cow in the Head to Celebrate Priyanka Gandhi's victory. (1/3) pic.twitter.com/SwNt0L3NnY
Influencers are propagandists are circulating old videos from different locations with misleading claims to set their political narrative in Kerala.
Claim– Congress worker shot a cow in the head to celebrate Priyanka Gandhi’s victory in Kerala.
Fact – According to reports, this is an old video from Manipur and unrelated to the election victory celebration.
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