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Tag : destroyed

Fact Check

Old Video Of Man Destroying EVM During Karnataka Assembly Elections 2023, Falsely Linked to General Elections 2024: Fact-Check 

A video purporting to be from the ongoing “General Elections 2024” and connecting an individual to the workers of the INDI Alliance, it shows someone...
Fact Check

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh — Authorities Removed Illegal Encroachments, Propagandists Circulate False Claims: Fact-Check

Editor D-Intent Data
There is a video circulating of an anti-encroachment drive in which it is claimed that hundreds of Muslim properties were destroyed by Indian officials without...
Fact CheckHate Detector

Alwar, Rajasthan — Administration Takes Action Against Illegal Occupation, Propagandists Circulate False Claims: Fact-Check 

Editor D-Intent Data
There is a video circulating that purports to show crops being destroyed by a bulldozer. The video claims that after accusations of cow slaughter were...
Fact Check

Israel-Palestine Conflict — Image Of An Israeli Female Soldier With IDF Caterpillar D9 Bulldozer Circulated With False Claims: Fact-Check

Editor D-Intent Data
A photo has surfaced online showing a female Israeli soldier standing in front of an IDF Caterpillar D9 bulldozer. The soldier, identified as Lieutenant “Nitan,”...
Ali SohrabCrime Reports IndiaFact CheckHate DetectorIndian American Muslim Council

Delhi— Authorities Removed Illegal Construction, Propagandists Circulate Communal Claims: Fact-Check 

Editor D-Intent Data
According to reports, “Mama Bhanja Dargah” on Rani Jhansi Road in New Delhi was destroyed over night on January 3. On Tuesday at 2:00 PM,...
Fact Check

Old Video Of Bulldozer Destroying Billboard of McDonald’s Resurfaced With False Claims: Fact-Check

Editor D-Intent Data
‍An old video depicting a bulldozer demolished McDonald’s billboard has been circulated as a recent video, depicting Palestinian demonstrators tearing down the advertising boards of...
Fact CheckFrontalforceMegh Updates

Mianwali, Pakistan— Old Video Of Burning Chinese Shenyang F-6 Dummy Aircraft Resurfaced With False Claims: Fact-Check

Editor D-Intent Data
Six PAF aircraft were allegedly destroyed in an operation by unidentified gunmen inside PAF #MianwaliAirBase in Pakistani Punjab, according to a video that has been...
Azzat AlsaleemFact CheckJIX5A

Israel-Palestine Conflict— Israeli Actress Gal Gadot Turned Up For Army Service In The War?: Fact-Check

Editor D-Intent Data
According to a shared old photo of the model and Israeli Actress Gal Gadot, who played Wonder Woman in Hollywood movies, it is claimed that...
DrLoupisFact CheckGabbar

Israel-Palestine Conflict— Image Of Palestinian Couple From Al–Jazeera Project Circulated With False Claims: Fact-Check 

Editor D-Intent Data
A photo that has gone viral purports to show an elderly Palestinian couple gazing at their previous house, which is now occupied by a Brooklyn...
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